Zebrano® Project

With our well-known design team we look forward to making your dreams comes true!
All of our design work is preceded by a personal meeting in our showroom, for which we recommend that you make an appointment.

Budapest Showroom
It is also worth coming to us because, on the one hand, you can gather inspiration, and on the other hand, we can listen to your ideas. It is important that in the case of such a unique project, our furniture, lighting and textiles can be completely customized or we can even manufacture products that do not exist in our range, as all the technological conditions are met for this.

Required documents to start planning
If possible, bring a scaled floor plan with youotherwise, we have to do the survey, which can slow down the project as depending on the complexity of the project, we may need to bring a colleague from Turkey to do the survey.

Detailed Visual Designs
We carry out the design using the most modern computer technologies (ARCHiCAD) and provide our customers with the most detailed photo realistic designs available on the market (3DS MAX + CORONA RENDER). It is important that we are able to manufacture and source all the products that we plan, from chandeliers to furniture and interior doors to carpets.

Implementations of the plans
We can help with construction with our contracted partner, depending on availability, and in the case of larger and more complicated projects, we work together with our Turkish colleagues.
Among our references, you can also view villas, hotels, restaurants, offices and yachts

Contact our experts with your questions
For more information, contact us at one of our contacts or we look forward to seeing you in our TÓPARK showroom! We look forward to hearing from you on one of our contacts: